Vit D is a fat soluble vitamin, it is stored in body fat and released as needed by the body.
Known as the ”sunshine” vitamin it is not present in many foods, oily fish, red meat, egg yolks, liver.
In summer months we should be able to make enough by absorption of sun rays through the skin.
In winter months supplements are recommended to keep bones and muscles healthy.
Vit D helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the body, this is essential for healthy bones, muscles and teeth.
Vit D helps support and regulate the immune system and neuromuscular system and also plays a major part in the life cycle of the human cell, helping to heal and repair damaged skin.
A lack of Vit D in children leads to bone deformities known as Rickets and in adults can cause bone pain, known as Osteomalacia.
Vit D deficiency has now been linked to certain cancers, heart disease, weight gain and depression.
Although Vit D is found in food, we simply don’t get enough and what we do eat can be poorly absorbed,
We can get Vit D from the sun, but when we apply sunscreen we can block out up to 95% of the suns rays.
Vegetarians and vegans may struggle to get any where enough Vit D from their food.
Bone pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, low energy levels, low mood, eczema, hair loss,
Low Vit D levels has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment in adults, osteoporosis, diabetes, severe asthma in children and some forms of cancer.
Vit D supplements can take a long time to have a positive impact on health when ingested orally, as most of the dose is lost when converted in the gut.
The most accurate way to measure Vit D levels is by a blood test.
Vegan or vegetarian diet
Exposure to sunlight without sunscreen is limited
You have dark skin or tan easily
As we age the kidneys are less able to convert Vit D to its active form.
Digestive issues can prevent good digestion and absorption.
People with a BMI of 30 or more often have low Vit D levels.
Vit D is fat soluble and stored in fat cells and can build up to excessive levels.
RDA is 600iu per day
Vit D toxicity “HypervitaminosisD” is rare but a potentially serious condition. You would need to take as much as 60,000iu daily for several months to achieve these levels.
The main concern is a build up of calcium in your blood “Hypercalcaemia” which can cause nausea, vomiting, weakness and frequent urination.
The POM (prescription only medicine) form of Vit D is considered safe and side effects are rare when prescribed and administered responsibly.
IM Vit D can have an immediate impact, with some people reporting positive effects really quickly.
We recommend that Vit D levels are tested and a max of 4 injections given annually at 3-6 month intervals.
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