My name is Aly Whitley, I am a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist with a nursing background, working as a Private practitioner.
I provide a Mobile Phlebotomy service and use Live and Dried Blood Analysis in my consultations.
Based in Shaldon, Devon, United Kingdom
We live in a toxic world and are exposed to unhealthy environments, foods, attitudes, belief systems, pressures etc, that have a detrimental effect on us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Our body is in fact always trying to heal itself, but it needs the correct environment to be able to do this.
Naturopathy is about creating this environment, by creating a healthier internal terrain and making improved and permanent diet and lifestyle changes.
This optimises our physical and mental performance, improving health, energy, concentration, sleep, weight management, vitality, mood and reducing chronic disease.
I am passionate about empowering individuals to take control of their health, through education and then supporting them to make these changes in the most achievable way possible.
Making long-term health improvements is not an overnight fix and so a commitment to investing time, energy, enthusiasm and having a strong desire to make a change is a requirement.
Our blood is our life force. A drop of blood, contains up to 5million red blood cells, 25 thousand white blood cells and 450 thousand platelets. Analysing these cells and the plasma they are suspended in can tell us a massive amount about how our diet and lifestyle impact our health.
It does not diagnose, but along with an in-depth consultation, can give clear indications about what could be going on in our internal terrain and what we can do to improve it.
A dried blood sample will also be taken using a 3mm drop of blood which helps to correlate the findings.
INTERNAL TERRAIN - Refers to the state of the fluids our cells are bathed in. These fluids provide the matrix that nourishes all the 40 trillion cells that make up our body.
WHAT DO OUR CELLS DO ? - If we want good mental and physical performance we need to ensure these cells receive what they need in order to function. They are, after all, busy factories that work 24/7, basically providing function and structure for all living things.
The condition of the blood reflects the state of the internal terrain and PH imbalances.
The appearance of pleomorphic forms indicates issues in cellular, plasma and tissue PH.
The condition of the blood cells can reflect the nutritional status and reveal stress in other organs. Certain nutrient deficiencies will lead to the production of abnormal cells in the bone marrow. This affects their ability to function properly.
If cell membranes are not robust enough they will be damaged and this affects their ability to function properly.
Circulating toxins that are not being efficiently removed by the liver and kidneys can be observed in the plasma. Abnormalities in the blood clotting cascade can be observed in the plasma.
Have you ever wondered why some people get sick while others stay unaffected when exposed to the same environment?
It is often down to the health of the internal terrain.
All body fluids have to maintain a certain PH in order to function. Blood has to have a PH of between 7.35 and 7.45, if it varies from these parameters we can get sick and we would eventually die.
The PH leans towards being too acid as nearly everything we do and consume is acid-forming. As the PH of blood reduces and becomes more acidic, microorganisms (pleomorphic forms), that normally reside symbiotically in the blood start to change form and become more pathogenic.
These forms were first identified by ENDERLEIN(1872-1968) and witnessed by RIFE(1888-1971) these forms can be identified using Darkfield Microscopy.
Other scientists that studied internal terrain theory were BECHAMP(1816-1908), BERNARD (1813-1878), NAESSENS (1924-2018)
The consultation form is in-depth, looking not only at the diet and lifestyle, but past health right back to birth as well as the health of parents and grandparents.
The consultation will take approx. 1 hour, then the blood samples will be taken and analysed.
Photos of the live and dried blood are taken for a baseline and future comparison.
Following this process, the findings will be interpreted and a 3-month plan of action will be put together, containing the recommended, achievable changes that can be made over this period of time.
After 3 months there is an invitation to come back and re-analyse the blood and presenting symptoms.
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